UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Strategy in Optimizing Mastery of Loitering Munition Technology to Face the Threat of Future War



Taufik Budi Cahyana, Gunaryo, Y.H. Yogaswara, and Djoko Andreas Navalino, 2022. Strategy in Optimizing Mastery of Loitering Munition Technology to Face the Threat of Future War. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(8), pp.107-114.


In the face of the type of threat of future warfare, it is necessary to procure a type of defense equipment that is following the development of current technological trends to improve national security in the field of UAV-type autonomous weapons, namely loitering munition. For the benefits of the loitering munition procurement program to be implemented optimally by Indonesian government agencies, a strategy is needed. The strategy of optimizing the procurement of loitering munitions can be done by conducting forward engineering, reverse engineering, production / licensing cooperation, or procurement from abroad.  so that in addition to contributing to the TNI as a user and the national defense industry. Optimization of loitering munition procurement obtained Technology Readiness Level (TRL) loitering munition in Indonesia is still low, at level 2 because Indonesia has not mastered the technology of guidance, navigation, and control system which is the key technology of loitering munition. Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy and the calculation of the priority scale using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, a priority scale can be made by placing the production / licensing cooperation strategy as the top priority and can be used as Indonesia strategy in accelerating the mastery of loitering munition technology and being able to provide a deterrent effect for potential enemy countries.

Keywords: Optimization strategy, Loitering Munition, Technology Readiness Level, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW).

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