UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Nutritional Card Media Using Jigsaw Approach to Improve Parenting Patterns Preventing Stunting



Sayuningsih, E. and Hatijah, N., 2021. Nutritional Card Media Using Jigsaw Approach to Improve Parenting Patterns Preventing Stunting. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(5), pp.31-36.


Foster pattern is one of the factors related to stunting. Parenting counseling Nutrition by using nutritional media in the form of nutrition cards is expected to increase knowledge of the attitudes and actions of mothers and toddlers in providing nutrition which is expected to prevent stunting. The purpose of this study was to look at the influence of the Nutrition Card Media with the jigsaw method approach to improve parenting nutrition to prevent stunting in children at the Tembok Dukuh Surabaya health center.

This research is a quantitative study with a true experiment design research design with a sample of 27 respondents selected by simple random sampling. Data collection techniques using pre-test post test and 2×24 hour questionnaire data were then analyzed using the Wilcoxon test with a 95% confidence level.

The results showed a significant difference (P <0.05) found in the location of the contong square with parenting education intervention using the jigsaw method. While the results of parenting education intervention with the lecture method and demonstration method there were no significant differences (P> 0.05) before and after being given the intervention. Thus it can be suggested the use of methods and media is expected to further be more attractive and attractive again in order to improve parenting in infants

Keywords: Nutrition Card Media, Jigsaw, Parenting, Stunting

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