Binge Eating Disorder Among Adolescents in Selected Private Schools of Pokhara Valley: A Cross-sectional Study
- Author(s): Nitu Kumari Singh, Laxmi Paudyal, Indu Sah and Harikala Soti
- Food Science
Paper ID: UIJRTV2I30003
Volume: 02
Issue: 03
Pages: 16-20
January 2021
ISSN: 2582-6832
Binge eating disorder is the highest prevailing set up of eating disorder which is common among adolescents. among youths, Binge eating disorder (BED) signifies one of the extremely troublesome clinical conditions. They carry an increased risk of health and are correlated with salient physical health and psychosocial morbidity. The top age of onset of the eating disorder is 15-25 years. The prevalence of eating disorder behaviors is high in high-income countries, especially in combination with obesity. Now a day’s teens are too apprehensive about the physical maintenance of the body especially the age between 13-21 years. Due to the inadequate knowledge, adolescent girls go for over restriction of food or starvation, misapply of laxatives, and over-exercising that may result in other somatoform disorders like malnutrition, anemia, etc. The study was conducted to assess binge eating disorders among adolescents. The Researcher adopted a cross-sectional descriptive design in the study. A Self -structured behavioral checklist of DSM-IV and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria was used to assess binge eating disorder among adolescents. A Simple random sampling technique was used to select 136 adolescents from school. Findings revealed that 14.7% had No BED (Binge eating disorder), 71.3% had Mild BED, 11.0% had Moderate BED and, 2.9% had Severe BED. The study found a significant relationship between binge eating disorder and demographic variables. The Study concludes that adolescents are specify by a high risk for the onset of BED. Additional studies are required to explore the complicated and multidisciplinary case of binge eating disorder and its related health effects including obesity.