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Paper ID: UIJRTV2I40001
Date:February 2021


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Hermiyanti, P., Rokhmalia, F. and Ngadino, 2021. The Use of Domestic Waste as Culture Media of Bacillus Thuringensis for Minimizing Pre-Adult Mosquitoes Population. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(4), pp.11-15.
The use of bacteria as bio insecticide is safe, effective, and selective in eradicating mosquito larvae, especially Aegypti mosquito larvae. Domestic waste (black water) contains high protein that can be nutrient for development of Bacillus thuringensis as biolarvacide. Nevertheless, the purpose of this study was in order to analyze the effectiveness of using domestic waste as culture media of Bacillus thuringensis for minimizing Aedes mosquito larvae population.Design of this research was experimental with posttest only control group design. The sample size of mosquito larvae that was used in this research was 160 larvae and each 20 larvae was in each dose of treatment and control. Suspension dose of liquid waste media of Bacillus thuringensis culture that was used in this treatment was 1 ml; 2 ml; 3 ml; 5 ml; 7 ml; 10 ml; 30 ml; and 50ml. Data analysis was by analyzing table and it was presented in narrative.The content of domestic waste that supported as nutrient for Bacillus thuringensis was carbohydrate (0.88%), protein (1.62%), and the state of waste pH (pH 7). Activity of Bacillus thuringensis was less optimal to develop in domestic liquid waste media. This was indicated by the absence of white sediment at the bottom of Erlenmeyer flask which showed the development of bacteria. Liquid waste media that was cultured by Bacillus thuringensis did not show any significant effectiveness to become biolarvacides because no doses which were applied could eradicate mosquito larvae.All in all, conclusion of this research was Bacillus thuringensis had not been optimally developed in domestic liquid waste media, hence, its pathogenicity could not be tested on mosquito larvae.

Keywords: Domestic waste, Killing power of Bacillus thuringiensis spores, Mosquito Larvae.

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