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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I40012
Date:February 2024


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Muamar and Agustinus Hariadi Djoko Purwanto, 2024. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy at PT. XYZ Uses Fishbone Method and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(4), pp123-130.
Climate change is becoming a global issue today. The world responded to the issue of climate change by convening a UN Convention called the UNFCCC with the main objectives that include efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C and releasing a Special Report on it. The World Resources Institute (WRI), CDP, WWF and the UN Global Compact responded to the Special Report by creating an initiative called Science-based targets (SBTi) that shows companies how much and how quickly businesses need to reduce their GHG emissions to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. XYZ Company, a multinational company that also runs its business in Indonesia, joined SBTi's commitment and decided to implement project selection using the Fishbone & Analytical Hieararchy Project (AHP) method to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by 37.8%. The results of the study were obtained in the form of selecting policies that can be done to reduce GHG impacts, namely by substituting the use of electrical energy, the most priority is the purchase of a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) with the highest weight of 0.545, the second priority is the installation of Solar Power with a weight of 0.232, the next priority is to use Savings for some of its activities with a weight of 0.130 and the last priority is to replace the type of Freon with weight of 0.093.

Keywords: AHP, GRK, SBTi, emission reduction, REC.

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