UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Rate of Fire Measurement Based on Audio Signal Processed by Using Wavelet Transform and Peak Detection Algorithm



Muhammad Saudara Semesta, Hendrana Tjahjadi, and Maykel T.E Manawan, 2022. Rate of Fire Measurement Based on Audio Signal Processed by Using Wavelet Transform and Peak Detection Algorithm. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(7), pp.106-111.


Assault rifles when burst firing will produce noise with big sound intensity. This noise can be used as an audio signal to measure the rate of fire. However, this audio signal needed to be processed using wavelet transform to avoid noise before it was processed using a peak detection algorithm. The difference in time each peak detected will be converted as the rate of fire. This research is a method to measure the rate of fire results average of accuracy 99.06%.

Keywords: audio signal, peak detection algorithm, rate of fire, wavelet transform.

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