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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I110007
Date:September 2022


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Asmawu Abubakar, 2022. Adoption and Use of Information and Communication Technology in Academic Libraries in Ghana: A Case Study of Central University, Accra Ghana. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(11), pp.46-51.
This study set out to examine the level of ICT adoption in private university libraries in Ghana in terms of physical infrastructure, and to find out how committed the management of private universities are in acquiring ICT tools for the libraries. The study further examined the capabilities and competence of both library staff and students in the use of ICT facilities and the level of satisfaction in the use of ICT in the various universities. The study used the mixed method approach which involved adopting both the quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study used thirty percent of the graduate students as the sample size. Therefore, sample size of the student’s respondents was sixty-three (63). Since the population of the library staff was not too large the professional librarian and 2 paraprofessionals were used. The research revealed that the University has adopted well to ICT use in the library. the library staff have great knowledge in the application of ICT and ICT resources to their work. Again, student respondents have also showed in the findings that they had knowledge in the use of ICT resources. The findings also revealed that students find the ICT resources easy to use. Also, the students benefit a lot from ICT training organized by the library The recommendations given were that management of the university should invest more in ICT facilities for the library. Library staff should also be given enough training in ICT so that they can be in better position to help their users. Again, the government should constitute a body to oversee the affairs of private university libraries to ensure conformity with the library standards.

Keywords: Academic libraries, Central University, Information Communication Technology.

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