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Paper ID: UIJRTV6I30019
Date:January 2025


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Opal Lyn Guimaray Bedic and Tricia Marie Faceronda Navarra, 2025. Morphological Awareness of Learners and Their Vocabulary Learning. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 6(3), p153-158.
This study assessed the level of Morphological Awareness among students and its’ effectiveness towards their vocabulary learning. The participants of the study include 118 high school learners. Using a survey research design, the participants were given an adopted questionnaire to gather data about their morphological awareness particularly in identifying affixes and root words to understand the meaning of unfamiliar English texts. The statistical tools used to measure the level of morphological awareness of the learners were mean and standard deviation. The result of the study revealed that learners’ morphological awareness was average (M= 3.250, SD= 0.489) which indicates that they were knowledgeable enough to apply morphology in their vocabulary acquisition. Moreover, the consistent responses reflected by the result of standard deviation below 1.0 for most items, suggested that these patterns are shared across participants. Acquiring an average level of morphological awareness enables students to grasp the morphology’s benefits and drawbacks during the process of vocabulary learning.

Keywords: morphemes, morphological awareness, prefixes, root word, suffixes, vocabulary learning.

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