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Paper ID: UIJRTV2I100002
Date:August 2021


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Derilo, L.D., 2021. Extent of Implementation of Solid Waste Management Program in Bacon District. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(10), pp.14-21.
This study is qualitative research that center on the assessment of the solid waste management program in Bacon District in the school year 2017-2018. A total enumeration of 184 is the respondents of the study.  The study focus on the activities undertaken by the schools, extent of implementation along with waste segregation, collection, re-use, reduction, recycle and compost. It includes also the problems met during the implementation of the program. Findings reveal that most of the activities undertaken by the schools to implement solid waste management programs were conduct on solid waste management campaigns, incorporate solid waste management in the lessons and activities that prioritize recycling, reduction and re-use. The extent of implementation along waste segregation is highly implemented while in terms of collection, re-use, reduce, recycle and composting is implemented. The study also reveals shortcomings in connection with the implementation of the program such as lack of facility to process recyclable materials, attitudes and awareness of the pupils when it comes to solid waste management, lack of training on recycling and composting of waste, inadequate and insufficient waste collection equipment and lack of resources or fund in maintaining Solid Waste Management Program. A project Waste Management Practices: A key to sustainable Solid Waste Management Program as the output of the study shall be proposing to address the said issues.

Keywords: Solid Waste Management, extent, Bacon District.

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