UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

API Validation Testing Using Karate



Jha, S., Katigari, S., Prapulla, S.B. and Kumar, R., 2021. API Validation Testing Using Karate. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(8), pp.105-110.


Functional Automation is a widely adopted domain in the evergreen field of testing and is poised to grow at an average growth rate of more than 15% from 2020 to 2027. As testing is the most time and cost intensive phase of a project, there is an active effort to develop a framework which can reduce associated costs and increase time efficiency of both, development, and deployment. Karate is one such open source automation framework developed in 2017 which can be used for API testing, performance testing and UI automation. It combines the advantages of a neutral language that’s easy to understand by even a non-developer with powerful assertions and inbuilt multithreading. In this paper, we detail the development of a Karate framework for API testing and analyze its performance in sequential and parallel execution and compare and contrast Karate with the popular Cucumber BDD (Behavior Driven Development) framework.

Keywords: API (Application Programming Interface), Automation Testing, Cucumber, Feature File, Functional Validation, Karate, Scenario.

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