UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Voices Unheard: Exploring Communication Apprehension Among Tertiary Students



Nicole Bueno Ribano and Chona Santos Lajom, 2024. Voices Unheard: Exploring Communication Apprehension Among Tertiary Students. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(6), pp71-75.


Effective communication skills are essential for success in tertiary education, yet many students experience communication apprehension, which can hinder their academic performance and personal development. This qualitative research paper explores communication apprehension among tertiary students, focusing on its prevalence, influencing factors, coping strategies, and implications. Interviews with ten participants from a single institution in the Philippines reveal varying perceptions of communication apprehension across different academic years, with factors such as academic pressure, performance expectations, and language proficiency contributing to students’ anxiety. Participants demonstrate resilience and employ coping strategies such as rehearsal and seeking social support to manage apprehension. Recommendations include tailored communication skills workshops, individualized coaching, integration of communication training into the curriculum, and fostering supportive learning environments. These findings contribute to a better understanding of communication apprehension among tertiary students and offer insights for addressing this challenge in educational contexts.

Keywords: communication apprehension, tertiary students, qualitative research, coping strategies, academic performance, Philippines

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