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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I50002
Date:March 2023


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Chris John P. Dayson and Noel G. Benavides, 2023. Utilization and Integration of Digital and Non-Digital Instructional Materials in Teaching. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(5), pp07-17.
This study aimed to determine the utilization and integration of digital and non-digital instructional materials in teaching at Gabao Elementary School for school year 2021-2022. It used the descriptive-survey method since questionnaire was devised for the gathering of the primary data as reflected in the problem. However, the unstructured interview was used in validating the responses. The respondents were the 23 teachers of Gabao Elementary School in Irosin District. The statistical tools utilized were the frequency, rank, and weighted mean. It was revealed that the Microsoft office is the digital instructional material while blackboard is the non-digital instructional material most commonly used by the teachers.  The digital instructional materials are sometimes used by the teachers while the non-digital instructional materials are frequently used by the teachers. Majority of the teachers integrate the instructional materials in teaching in engaging the learners in the discussion, improving the visual appeal of the presentation, and making the lesson more realistic and meaningful.  An action plan was proposed in order to improve the utilization and integration of instructional materials in teaching. This study recommended that the teachers may be provided retooling through training on the use of non-digital instructional materials and capacitate them on the utilization of non-digital instructional materials. The teachers may be exposed to digital instructional materials which are not familiar to them and send them to training and workshop to further equip them on the utilization to teaching. The school heads may allocate additional funds for the procurement of state-of-the-art digital instructional materials so as the integration to teaching may be realistic and engaging for the learners. The action plan may be further reviewed and evaluated by forwarding it to the concerned authorities before the possible adoption and implementation. Further study may be conducted which will include other schools in order to widen the scope and the possible inclusion of other variables related to the study.

Keywords: digital, integration, instructional materials, non-digital, utilization.

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