UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Television/Radio-Based Instruction Through the Lens of School Administrators



Bernadith M. Lucresio, 2022. Television/Radio-Based Instruction Through the Lens of School Administrators. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(7), pp.93-97.


The current COVID-19 epidemic has posed significant obstacles and has impacted educational institutions, and no one knows when it will cease. Every country is currently putting in place plans and processes to contain the virus, but the number of illnesses continues to rise. The research was a qualitative study employing the Moustakas’ data analysis of phenomenological reduction. The participants were the thirty school administrators in the Division of Tangub City. Findings revealed that school administrators exert great effort to conduct orientation to external and internal stakeholders as part of the preparation for the implementation of TVBI/RBI distance learning modality. School heads capacitated the teachers on the delivery of TV/RBI to equip the teachers with the needed skills and knowledge to continue the delivery of quality education. They also did their best to provide enough resources for the production of learning materials. Distribution and retrieval of self-learning materials were also monitored by the school administrators, making sure every learner receives the SLMs and learned from them. They also made sure that the delivery of instruction by the chosen modality continues and that challenges are well taken care of.

Keywords: distribution, modality, retrieval, TVBI/RBI, pandemic, strategies.

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