UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Teaching Strategies in Values Education in the Secondary Schools



Hazel B. Bastian, Ellaine E. Besitan, and Nelia L. Depaynos, 2024. Teaching Strategies in Values Education in the Secondary Schools. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(8), pp264-274.


The study aimed to conduct a survey on the degree of effectiveness of teaching strategies in Values Education to bring better insight on helping the teachers and learners. The study was conducted in the secondary schools of Kabayan District with a total enumeration of sixteen Values Education Teachers as the respondents. The study used a descriptive survey-method with a questionnaire as the primary instrument in gathering the necessary data. All gathered data were tallied, computed, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted with the use of statistical tools such as frequencies and weighted means to measure the responses of the respondents on each questions. Based on the results on the gathered data, the following are the salient findings of the study: the identified teaching strategies was used most of the time; the application of the identified teaching strategies were effective; and the problems encountered by the teachers in using such teaching strategies were moderately serious.

Keywords: Teachers, strategies, effectiveness, problems, application, preparation.

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