UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Simplified Natural Language Processing and Discrimination in Antonyms-Synonyms Word Structure in a Neural Network Approach to Exploit Lexico-Semantic Pattern



Sultana, M. and Miguel, A.R.A., 2020. Simplified Natural Language Processing and Discrimination in Antonyms-Synonyms Word Structure in a Neural Network Approach to Exploit Lexico-Semantic Pattern. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(2), pp.06-17.


To get high efficiency or high yielding in NLP system the vital challenge is to distinguish between antonym and synonym. By using lexico-syntactic patterns in pattern-based models, which are string-matching patterns based on lexical and syntactic structure, we exploiting to represent the distinguish between antonyms and synonyms word pairs as vector representation in Arabic word structure. It is very difficult to make automatic distinguish between antonymy-synonymy in NLP system because of they have a tendency to occur in similar contexts. I intend a 2-step novel process that exploit lexico-semantic pattern to distinguish antonymy-synonymy from syntactic parse tress. The experiment result shows the improvement of the performance over prior pattern-based method.

Keywords: Neural language processing, Semantic relation classification, Antonyms-synonyms Distinction.

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