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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I60008
Date:April 2023


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Joana Paula B. Biñas and Nordy D. Siason Jr., 2023. Science Behind Educational Resilience: Managing Teachers' Adversity Quotient Towards the Academic Success in a Philippine Schools District. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(6), pp77-83.
This study investigated the teachers’ adversity quotient level in the post-pandemic era. This was conducted among the 506 randomly selected elementary and high school teachers in one of the Congressional Districts in the Philippines. The data were gathered using the Adversity Quotient Profile. Means and standard deviations were used for the descriptive analysis. For inferential statistics, the t-test for independent samples was used set at .05 and computations were done through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software V. 25. Results of the study showed that the teachers’ general Adversity Quotient (AQ) is low. Regardless of their highest educational attainment, length of service, and academic rank, teachers’ AQ did not differ which implies an innate academic resilience among the teachers in both academic levels in the basic education. Moreover, teachers during the pandemic grappled with constraints along with the adversities, which have influenced them even after the heightened COVID-19. Even when teachers were confronted with unlimited issues at home, in school, and the community, they could perform satisfactorily. In return, teachers must undergo debriefing on what they have endured during the pandemic and engage in psychosocial activities such as sports camps, exercise sessions, spiritual practices, recollections, and retreats. A conducive work environment equates to sustained management of both internal and external adversities—a science of resilience in education—wherein stakeholders and educational leaders could set up team-building programs and collaborative initiatives to decrease work-related stress that could have been worsened by the aftermath of the pandemic.

Keywords: adversity quotient, post-pandemic adversities, teachers, academic success.

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