UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

School Culture and Socioemotional Competence as Predictors of Intercultural Effectiveness Among Physical Education Teachers



Lorelyn Mabitad Alferez and Saramie Suraya Belleza, 2023. School Culture and Socioemotional Competence as Predictors of Intercultural Effectiveness Among Physical Education Teachers. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(5), pp40-50.


The main purpose of this study was to determine if the school culture and the socioemotional competence significantly predict the intercultural effectiveness of Physical Education teachers in Tagum City Division. The researcher employed the quantitative non-experimental design using causal effect technique with Regression Analysis. The total sample size of the study was 250 Physical Education teachers. Respondents were teachers from 14 secondary schools (both public and private) of Tagum City Division. Data analysis included Average Weighted Mean, Pearson-r, and Multiple Regression Analysis as statistical tools. The final analysis revealed that the levels of all the variables namely school culture, socioemotional competence, and intercultural effectiveness among the respondents are very high. Also, it was revealed that there is a significant relationship between the level of the school culture and the level of intercultural effectiveness as well as between the socioemotional competence and the intercultural effectiveness among PE teachers. Furthermore, there are domains in the school culture – professional collaboration and self-determination – and the socioemotional competence – social skills – that significantly predict the intercultural effectiveness among the respondents. Based on the findings, it has been recommended to conduct teacher leadership program, parent seminars, teacher training, student teacher partnerships and mentoring, and career day among others to maintain the optimum level of school culture and socioemotional competence among the respondents.

Keywords: MAEd-Physical Education, school culture, socioemotional competence, PE teachers, intercultural effectiveness, Philippines.

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