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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I60002
Date:April 2022


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Sri Wahyuni and Frida Siswiyanti, 2022. The Role of Partners in Improving Students' Competence in the Teaching Assistance Program / Teaching Campus. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(6), pp.10-19.
The Teaching Assistance Program or Teaching Campus collaborates with various partners from educational institutions throughout Indonesia, both at the primary and secondary school levels. This established partnership is mutualistic, so it is mutually beneficial for both universities and cooperation partners. This study aims to explain partners' perceptions, student competencies according to partners, and the role of partners in increasing student competence in the Teaching Assistants/Teaching Campus program. The research method uses a survey research type with the instrument in a questionnaire filled out by 124 partners of the Islamic University of Malang as the sample. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the perception of partners, in general, is good. According to them, this program has a high usefulness value. According to partners, student competence is good, even very good in language competence, attitude competence, and competence in using technology, so that it is considered very helpful for schools. Judging from the partner's role, partners have a significant role or contribution in developing learning development competencies, strengthening literacy and numeracy, and administrative and managerial efficiency.

Keywords: partner perception, student competence, partner role, teaching assistance, teaching campus.

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