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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I70036
Date:May 2023


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Hermine F. Jazareno and Ana Cristina G. Fortes, 2023. Reading Performance and Challenges: Reading Initiatives in the New Normal. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(7), pp310-317.
This study determined the reading performance, reading habits, reading attitudes and available reading resources of primary grades in of the public schools in the Philippines. Using the quantitative data analysis, the results reveal that the reading performances the learners are varied, with a significant proportion of students performing at an instructional or frustration level. However, a considerable number of students achieved an independent level of performance, indicating that they can comprehend and analyze texts on their own. Language proficiency in Filipino is higher than in English, while proficiency in the MTB-MLE program is in between. Results also revealed that they have a relatively good reading habit, spending an average of 8-10 minutes reading books, putting books in their rooms, and visiting the school library. These practices can help improve their vocabulary, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Result also showed a significant relationship between reading performance and reading habits, indicating that students' reading habits play a crucial role in their reading performance. Based on these findings, the study suggested that interventions to students who were performing at an instructional or frustration level in reading while encouraging parents to provide access to a variety of reading materials at home.

Keywords: reading performance, public schools, education improvement, educational system, MTB-MLE program.

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