UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Use of Grammar Translation Method in Developing Reading Comprehension



Monica Casosula Beriong and Dhan Timothy Mahimpit Ibojo, 2023. A Quasi-Experimental Study on the Use of Grammar Translation Method in Developing Reading Comprehension. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(9), pp102-109.


This study aimed to investigate the effects of the grammar-translation method on students’ reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest group design was utilized, comparing the experimental group (which received the grammar-translation intervention) with the control group (which received traditional or lecture strategy). Class Proficiency and t-tests were employed as statistical approaches to assess the significance of the experimental and control groups. Both groups underwent pre-tests and post-tests, with the experimental group receiving the intervention. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in achievement levels between the pretest and posttest for the control group. However, there was a significant difference in the achievement levels between the pretest and posttest for the experimental group. Additionally, there was a significant difference in achievement levels between the post-tests of the experimental and control groups. These findings suggest that the grammar-translation method effectively enhances students’ reading comprehension proficiency. Therefore, the study concludes that the use of the grammar-translation method is recommended as an intervention for improving reading comprehension skills.

Keywords: grammar-translation method, achievement level, quasi-experimental study.

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