UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Power Distance Between Teachers and Students in Online Language Learning



Rodelyn B. Enguerra and Marigrace D. Carretero, 2022. Power Distance Between Teachers and Students in Online Language Learning. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(7), pp.79-92.


Online language learning has been a new modality of learning since the outbreak of pandemics in the country. The situation highlighted the power distance gap between the teachers and the students. This study focused on the power distance between teachers and students in online language classrooms. It sought to determine the power index levels between teachers and students in the online language classroom. This study is descriptive and used a mixed-method of research.  Survey questionnaires were utilized to identify the challenges encountered along with cultural background and instructional strategies of junior high school STE (Science, Technology, and Engineering) students and teachers of Gallanosa National High School.  Meanwhile, a scheduled- online interview was conducted to determine how teachers and students accommodate power dynamics that exist in the online language classroom. It was found out that the power distance index level of the teachers and students in online language learning along with attitude, social status of teachers, social status of parents and gender varies.  It was recommended that the school may hold the capacity building for teachers to improve their skills in conducting online language classes and conduct orientation with the parents to inform them about their roles in online learning teachers and teachers should utilize strategies to handle power gaps in online language learning.  Based on the findings of the study, the researchers developed interactive language learning activities to address the language learning gap in online language classrooms.

Keywords: Power distance, Online Language Learning.

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