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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I40014
Date:February 2024


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Carina Arancillo Gino, 2024. Parental Involvement: Its Impact on the Reading Performance of Key Stage I Learners. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(4), pp145-159.
The study, “Parental Involvement: Its Impact on Reading Performance of Key Stage I learners,” conducted at M.A. Roxas Elementary School, aimed to explore the role of parental involvement in enhancing the reading performance of Grades 1-3 pupils. The study addressed five key questions related to the types of reading activities parents engage in, the impact of parental involvement on reading abilities and performance, the factors that facilitate parental involvement, and potential school-home partnerships to enhance parental involvement. The study involved 65 parents who provided data through survey questionnaires and a checklist. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools, including frequency count, weighted mean, and ranking.The findings underscored the significant impact of parental involvement on pupils’ reading performance. Parents who actively engaged in reading-related activities at home, such as reading together, providing access to books, and creating a reading-friendly environment, significantly contributed to their children’s reading development. The study also highlighted the positive influence of parental support in fostering a love for reading and promoting better comprehension skills.

Keywords: Parental Involvement, Reading Performance

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