UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Parental Involvement as A Follow-Up Mechanism in the Academic Task of Intermediate Pupils



Mariz E. Arcega, 2024. Parental Involvement as A Follow-Up Mechanism in the Academic Task of Intermediate Pupils. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(7), pp119-130.


The present study aims to investigate the level of parental involvement in terms of making a follow-up on the academic tasks of learners in Castilla South District, Sorsogon. The participation of family or parents, along with the teachers and community where a learner is surrounded by, has a major role in the academic achievement and performance of learners. Through anchoring the employed interventions to the results provided by the tools, the involvement of parents of the intermediate learners in Castilla South District was found to be high. It is significant to assess and examine such involvement so that the incumbent curriculum and other partner agencies may innovate solutions and programs or activities that will compliment both the learners and parents.

Keywords: parental involvement, follow-up, academic task on intermediate learners, programs and curriculum.

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