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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I40008
Date:February 2023


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Aubrey D. Fernandez and Noel G. Benavides, 2023. Numeracy Skills Performance of Grade 6 Pupils in Modular Distance Learning. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(4), pp65-75.
This study aimed to determine the Numeracy Skills Performance of Grade 6 Pupils using Modular Distance Learning (MDL) at Gimaloto Elementary School in Sorsogon West District for School Year 2021-2022. This study concluded that the numeracy skills performance of the pupils is very good in basic mathematics and interpretation of numbers whereas satisfactory in problem solving. The pupils are mostly challenged with modular distance learning in numeracy especially problem solving. The action plan was proposed in order to improve the numeracy skills performance of the pupils. It was recommended that the pupils may be provided additional exercises and drills that may improve their numeracy skills performance in problem solving. Also, the teachers may be equipped with strategies on how assist pupils on this aspect. The challenges encountered by the pupils in numeracy be addressed and given priority by the teachers and school heads. The learning activity sheets may be forwarded to the concerned authorities so as it will be further reviewed and evaluated before its adoption and implementation. Further study may be done that may include other schools in order for the scope to be widened and if possible, the inclusion of other variables not covered.

Keywords: basic mathematical operations, interpretation of numbers, modular distance learning, numeracy, problem solving.

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