Numeracy Literacy Game in the World of Adventure
- Author(s): Ayyas Yahya, Gunarhadi, and Riyadi
- Educational Management
Paper ID: UIJRTV5I30015
Volume: 05
Issue: 04
Pages: 162-166
January 2024
ISSN: 2582-6832
The learning process activities according to [2] is a process that contains a series of actions by teachers and students on the basis of reciprocal relationships that take place in educational situations to achieve certain goals. Learning media can be used by teachers in teaching and learning activities. This is in line with the opinion of Falahudin (2014) that the use of learning media in teaching and learning activities can generate new interests and desires, generate motivation and stimulate learning activities, and even have a psychological influence on learners. The data collection technique in this research uses a test technique which consists of two stages, namely the pretest and posttest stages. The posttest is given at the beginning before implementing the model to be tested. The purpose of giving the posttest is to find out and measure the students’ initial abilities.
Based on data analysis of students’ cognitive abilities processed using SPSS version 26, data was obtained that the normality of the data tested using Shapiro-Wilk obtained a significance level for the pretest results, namely 0.638 for the experimental class and 0.229 for the control class, so it can be concluded that the data obtained was normally distributed. Furthermore, the significance level for the posttest value was 0.311 in the experimental class and 0.557 in the control class so it can be concluded that the data is normally distributed. The homogeneity of the pretest data in this study was carried out using the Levene’s test which produced a significance level value of 0.130 so it can be concluded that the experimental class and control class data came from homogeneous variances.
Based on the results of the independent sample t-test, tcount = xx and ttable in the distribution table of t values, namely a confidence level of 95% (α = 5% and because the t test is two-sided, the α value referred to is α/2 = 5%/ 2 = 0.025) and degrees of freedom (df) = 44, so the value of ttable = 2.015. Because 3.769 > 2.015, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected. Based on this description, it can be proven that at the 95% confidence level the average posttest scores of grade IV elementary school students are not the same. This shows that the learning outcomes of students in the experimental group are better than the control class.
The conclusion of this research is that the results of testing adventure game learning media show that the media is effective for use in learning. Testing was carried out using the nonequivalent control group method. The test results showed an increase in pretest scores in the experimental class reaching 25% compared to the control class. The effectiveness test results show that the experimental class is better than the control class with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05 so that H0 is rejected. Based on the average gain score obtained in the experimental class, it is 74.63, which means that the adventure game learning media is effective for use in fourth grade elementary school learning in numeracy literacy, length measurement material using standard and non-standard units.