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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I110007
Date:September 2023


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Ariel Deguinion Jumamil and Ester Jean Ulanday Pelayo, 2023. The Mediating Effect of Schools’ Availability of Resources on The Relationship Between Technology Integration in Teaching TLE and Academic Competence of Cookery Students. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(11), pp54-68.
The purpose of this study was to determine the mediating effect of the school’s availability of resources on the relationship between technology integration in teaching TLE and the academic competence of cookery students. Utilizing a quantitative, non-experimental design via correlational technique, data were obtained from 300 respondents who are grade 9 and 10 cookery students in Carmen district, Davao del Norte. The researcher utilized stratified random sampling techniques using face-to-face survey modes to collect the data. Mean, Pearson r, and mediating effect: path analysis were the statistical tools used by the researcher. Also, in the results of the study, it was found that there are very high levels of mean scores for technology integration in teaching TLE and the school’s availability of resources, and a high level of mean score for the academic competence of cookery students. Also, results revealed that there is a significant relationship between technology integration in teaching TLE and the academic competence of cookery students, a significant relationship between technology integration in teaching TLE and schools’ availability of resources, and a significant relationship between schools’ availability of resources and the academic competence of cookery students. Further, it was revealed that there was partial mediation on the effect of schools’ availability of resources on the relationship between technology integration in teaching TLE and the academic competence of cookery students.

Keywords: Academic competence, Cookery students, Mediating effect, Philippines, Schools’ resources, Technology.

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