UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Levels of Technology Integration of MARHS HUMSS Faculty in Blended Learning Using SAMR Framework: A Basis for an Enhancement Program



Cuayzon, M.L.C., 2021. Levels of Technology Integration of MARHS HUMSS Faculty in Blended Learning Using SAMR Framework: A Basis for an Enhancement Program. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(8), pp.138-148.


The study was intended to identify the levels of technology integration of MARHS Senior High School HUMSS faculty during the conduct of the blended modular learning. The action research was a descriptive study where it determined and identified the level of familiarity of MARHS HUMSS faculty to different online applications and the levels of technology integration using SAMR model. The most appropriate conceptual tool to identify the level of integration is the SAMR Model developed in 2010 by Dr. Ruben Puentedura. This model was used to determine the levels of technology integration of the teachers. The study involved five HUMSS Senior High School Teachers of Manuel A. Roxas High School as the subject of the research which were identified through purposive sampling technique. They were asked to answer the survey through Google Forms since physical or face to face interaction is still prohibited. The actual administration of the research took place on the second semester of the School Year 2020-2021. The study was done at Manuel A. Roxas High School, Paco, Manila. Researcher-made structured survey was developed to gather the desired data. The survey-questionnaire was validated by the Master Teachers of Manuel A. Roxas Senior High School.  This study revealed the varied compositions of the respondents with different teaching experience and mastery of handling different subjects. The findings discovered that the teachers manifested high level of familiarity with the following:  MS word, in in lecture or note taking, online websites like Academia, Britannica Encyclopedia, and National Geographic in research works, PowerPoint presentation in lesson discussion/ presentation, and Google Forms, Facebook Messenger Polls, and PDF Reader in assessment activities. In terms of the level of integration using SAMR Model, Google Classroom, Edmodo, Schoology, Facebook Groups were the most integrated applications in lecture or note taking activities. It was also in the level of Redefinition. The most commonly integrated applications were Stanford, Britannica, Khan Academy, and other educational video recordings platforms, PDF, and the traditional modules provided by the school in terms of research works. The levels of integration demonstrated by the teachers were Substitution, Augmentation, and Modification. PowerPoint Presentations, Prezi, and other similar presentation, and YouTube were used in lesson presentation where they were identified in levels of Substitution and Augmentation. In assessment activities, the teachers frequently integrated Google Forms which can be found in the level of Augmentation. For consistency of the level of technology integration, an enhancement program was proposed based from the findings or results of the study.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Integration, SAMR Framework, Technology

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