UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Involvement of Teachers in School Programs



Christian S. Carillo and Susan S. Janer, 2022. Involvement of Teachers in School Programs. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(2), pp90-102.


This study determined the level of involvement of teachers in School Programs in Sorsogon West District Division of Sorsogon City for School Year 2021-2022.This study used the descriptive method of research. The respondents of the study are the 191 teachers of Sorsogon West District which were selected using the Slovin’s formula in order to determine the sample size from the population. The data to be gathered were subjected to analysis and interpretation using the appropriate statistical tools and measures such as frequency counts, percentage, ranking and weighted mean.The study revealed majority of the teacher respondents in Sorsogon West District are female having 87% and only 13% are male. Most of the teacher’s ages ranging  from 31 to 35 and 36 to 40 with 23% and 24% respectively. Similarly, majority are married with 158 response having 83%.In addition, most of the teachers have Units in Master’s Degree with 116 response equivalent to 60%.Reletaive to their position Teacher I with 12%, Teacher II with 30%, Master Teacher I with 5% and Master Teacher II with 1% but majority are Teacher III with 52%.Lastly most of the teachers attended trainings in the regional level with 91 responses equals to 48%.The Top 3 National Programs that teachers are involved  are the Brigada Eskwela rank as 1st with 145 response, Adopt-a-School Program rank as 2nd with 113 response and Rank as 3rd with 107 response is World Teacher’s Day. Along the regional programs 112 teachers are involved in Brigada Pagbasa which rank as 1st while Early Language Literacy Numeracy and Digital (ELLND) rank as 4th which has 120 frequency counts. In addition, along local/school-based programs Learning Action Cell (LAC) Session top or rank as 1st with 159 responses. Followed by Reading Intervention with 138 responses. Rank as 3rd is the Disaster Preparedness with 106 response and last rank with 92 responses is the Psychological First Aid.Along the National Programs of the Department of Education (DepEd) Teachers in Sorsogon West District are very much involved in Brigada Pagbasa and World Teacher’s Day Celebration with 4.70 and 4.76 weighted mean respectively.While they are much involved in ADOPT-a-School Program, Early Registration, Simultaneous Earthquake Drill, Every Child a Reader Program, School Based Feeding Program and Wellness Program with overall mean of 4.40 which is equivalent to much involved. Which regards to the regional programs they are very much involved in Brigada Pagbasa with 4.63 weighted mean, ALNAT with 4.56 weighted mean and Comprehensive Rapid Literacy Assessment (CRLA) with 4.50 weighted mean.While they are only much involved in Early Language Literacy Numeracy and Digital (ELLND) with 4.47 weighted mean.Overall the total weighted mean is equivalent to 4.54 which corresponds to very much involved.Lastly, along local/school based programs.Teachers in Sorsogon West District are very much involved in Learning Action Cell ( LAC ) Session and Reading Intervention with a weighted mean equal to 4.81 and 4.66 respectively.And also, they are much involved in Disaster Preparedness and Psychological First Aid with a weighted mean of 4.42 and 4.30 respectively.The overall mean of the level of involvement of teachers along local/school based programs is equivalent to 4.55 which is very much involved.There are predominant challenges encountered by the teachers which regards to their involvement to school programs.Endless paper works and extended working hours rank as 1st with 159 frequency counts.While The memorandum regarding the program was not properly relayed to the teachers with 141 responses rank as 2nd.Rank 3rd with 124 responses is teachers do not have enough knowledge how the program is implemented. Having 69 responses which rank as 4th is the newbies are not given the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents in the participation towards school programs.Providing support and establishing environment of trust to teachers rank as 5th with 68 responses.An Action Plan can be considered to address the challenges encountered by the teachers their involvement school programs.

Keywords: involvement, programs, projects, teachers.

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