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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I70029
Date:May 2023


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Ma. Victoria D. Lagarde and Tara Paulina L. Martizo, 2023. Implementation of Malasakit Center in the Province of Sorsogon. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(7), pp243-256.
The Malasakit Program is a government initiative in the Philippines that provides accessible and efficient medical and financial assistance to indigent patients in need. The program is implemented through Malasakit Centers, which are one-stop shops located in government hospitals and medical centers. The study sought to assess the implementation of the Malasakit Program in the Province of Sorsogon, using data taken for the fiscal year of 2021. The study utilized qualitative and quantitative methods, including a descriptive survey, documentary analysis, and structured interviews with member-beneficiaries and social service workers.  The study found that the referral system was fully implemented by both social workers and beneficiaries. In terms of the availment of medical and financial services, social workers rated it as fully implemented while beneficiaries rated as implemented. The processing was deemed fully implemented by social workers with a while beneficiaries rated it as fully implemented. The study also found a significant difference in the perception of the respondents, with social workers generally rating the program higher than beneficiaries, particularly in areas such as providing information on coverage and benefit packages in the National Health Insurance Program and ensuring the adoption of integrated people-centered health services. Also, it identified several problems encountered by the beneficiaries of the Malasakit Program. One of the primary issues is the lack of awareness among the public about the program, which has resulted in low utilization rates. There are also challenges in terms of the program's eligibility requirements, as some indigent patients are not able to provide the necessary documents to qualify for financial assistance. Other problems include delays in the release of financial assistance and inadequate resources and personnel to handle the volume of patients seeking assistance.

Keywords: Availment, Implementation, Malasakit Program, Processing, Referral system.

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