Implementation of the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) in the Province of Sorsogon
- Author(s): Aida Lagarde Alcantara and Catherine Atutubo De Castro
- Educational Management
Paper ID: UIJRTV5I20012
Volume: 05
Issue: 02
Pages: 104-115
December 2023
ISSN: 2582-6832
This study aimed to determine the implementation of the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) to the Insurgent Returnees in the Province of Sorsogon, Fiscal Year 2019-2021. The descriptive method was employed in this study. Survey questionnaire and unstructured interviews were utilized to gather the needed data from the 100 Insurgent Returnees. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted with the use of weighted mean, percentage, and ranking. The findings indicated that in terms of the profile of the respondents, 50% were 41 years and above and 33% were 31-40 years old. There were 69 males and 31 females and 59 % of them were married, 23% were single and 12% were widowed. Also, 30% of the respondents were elementary graduate and only 15% were high school graduate. There were also 95% Roman Catholic IRs. On the extent of the implementation of the E-CLIP along Livelihood Assistance, an amount of P50, 000 from E-CLIP got the highest weighted mean of 3.77, described as fully implemented. In terms of Financial Assistance, the respondents received P10,000 from the Provincial Government of Sorsogon which has a mean of 3.73 described as fully implemented. Along Psychosocial Assistance, the following reconciliation dialogue got a weighted mean of 3.70, described as fully implemented. Along medical assistance, prioritization for SSS membership, got the highest weighted mean of 3.58 described as fully implemented. In terms of Educational Assistance, enrollment to 4Ps got a weighted mean of 3.56 described as fully implemented.