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Paper ID: UIJRTV6I40005
Date:February 2025


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Jahstine Lucenario Baloyo, 2025. The Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic Behavior. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 6(4), p54-63.
This study focused on the influence of social media on students' academic behavior, laying the groundwork for an intervention program aimed at cultivating positive academic conduct. 26 Grade six students and 4 selected Grade six teachers from Eduardo Lee Chan Memorial School, Magallanes South District participated in this descriptive research. By utilizing the tools, both students and teachers were empowered to self-assess the impact of social media on their academic behavior, using selected purposive sampling techniques paving the way for transformative interventions. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the impact of social media on student’s behavior. The researchers sought to highlight the impact of social media, through the use of frequency count, percentage, rank, and weighted mean. The results revealed that when students interpret the use of different social media platforms, Facebook and YouTube are the most widely used social media platforms among students and teachers. The most influential in students' class participation is the educational content on social media. The data emphasized the significant impact of educational content on social media in enhancing students’ learning experiences. In terms of accomplishing homework, using social media facilitates communication with students when one is unable to complete an assignment or requires assistance with a difficult most frequent activity, this highlights the importance of peer support and collaboration in academic success, as students rely heavily on their classmates for assistance and information sharing.  The highest weighted mean of 4.23, with a descriptive rating (VD) of “Agree,” indicated that social media significantly enhanced comprehension of academic concepts. Social media content is seen as beneficial for providing concepts for homework and gathering information for projects. The most prevalent challenge, with rank 1 reporting it, is the limited availability of academic content related to their specific topics or lessons. Thus, the study recommended improving social media engagement and promoting students' desirable academic learning behavior through an intervention program that has been designed.

Keywords: social media; academic behavior; intervention program.

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