UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Impact of Modular Distance Learning on the Performance of Grade 8 Learners in Science



Ana Rose D. Jaraba and Susan S. Janer, 2023. Impact of Modular Distance Learning on the Performance of Grade 8 Learners in Science. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(7), pp145-156.


This study assessed the impact of modular distance learning in the performance of grade 8 learners in science for academic year 2020-2021 and the performance of grade 8 in science. In addition, factors affecting the performance of grade 8 learners in science was also assessed.  This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design in the collection of data from the population as it seeks to describe the impact of MDL to students’ performance and the relationship between students’ performance to the impact of MDL along with the identified variables such as efficiency, learning environment, school support and parental involvement. It utilizes both quantitative and qualitative data to cover for the weaknesses of each data sets and provide support for the researcher’s claims. A survey questionnaire was utilized to gather the primary data from the respondents. Likewise, the 120 grade 8 learners from four different schools were the respondents of the study. The final rating in science of the students were also provided by the subject teachers at the respective schools.

Keywords: Impact, Modular Distance Learning, Performance Level, Completion.

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