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Paper ID: UIJRTV6I20011
Date:December 2024


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Danilo S. Yolim and Alemar C. Mayordo, 2024. Guidance Services for Informed Choices Towards Becoming Productive Individuals in Medina College, Ozamiz City: Problems and Intervention. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 6(2), p100-108.
Guidance services play a critical role in fostering students' academic, personal, and career development. This study examines the extent of implementation and the challenges faced in delivering guidance services in schools, focusing on six key areas: information dissemination, individual inventory, counseling, placement, follow-up, and testing. A descriptive survey research design was employed to collect data from respondents. The study measured the extent of implementation and identified the problems encountered using a Likert-scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed using mean scores and standard deviations to determine implementation levels and highlight significant challenges. Findings revealed that the overall implementation of guidance services was categorized as "High," with average mean scores ranging from 3.99 to 4.08 across the six domains. The results underscored the schools' commitment to providing comprehensive support for students. However, notable challenges were identified, including lack of leadership support (Mean = 3.14), overloading of teachers (Mean = 3.12), and scarcity of qualified counselors (Mean = 3.05), categorized as "Average." The study highlights the robust implementation of guidance services despite systemic barriers. These challenges hinder the optimal delivery of services and require strategic interventions. Addressing issues such as leadership, resource allocation, and capacity-building is critical to improving service effectiveness. The study concludes that while guidance services are generally well-implemented, addressing systemic challenges is essential for maximizing their impact. Strengthening leadership support, increasing resources, and enhancing awareness and training can further improve the quality and sustainability of guidance programs in schools.

Keywords: Challenges, Counselors, Guidance services, Students

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