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Paper ID: UIJRTV6I30015
Date:January 2025


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Norlyn Bedia Dillo and May Arroyo Gañon, 2025. Grammar Proficiency of Pre-service English Teachers: Basis for an Action Plan in a Teacher Education Institution. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 6(3), p111-116.
This study determined the grammar proficiency level of pre-service English teachers. A total of 82 participants were selected from third year to fourth year using stratified random sampling. Only those who consented to participate were included in the study. The descriptive research design was used in this study. A Grammar Proficiency Test was adopted from E. Jamillo during the conduct of the study. The said questionnaire was composed of a 50-item test divided into four components: English Grammar, Identifying Errors, English Vocabulary, and English Reading Comprehension. The statistical tools used to determine the grammar proficiency level of pre-service English teachers were mean, frequency, and standard deviation.  The overall grammar proficiency level of pre-service English teachers was categorized as “very good” (M=35.76, SD = 6.947). With the given findings, both the 3rd year and 4th year pre-service English teachers have a “very good” level of proficiency in grammar.  They have shown through their test results that they have a solid grasp of grammar, which is a critical skill for their future teaching roles. While most pre-service teachers performed at a "Very Good" level, some showed higher or lower proficiency levels which means that there is still a need for improvement and development in imparting grammar to learners especially to those who got a lower proficiency level. Among the 4 components of grammar proficiency test, participants generally excel in Reading Comprehension and Identifying Errors, there is a clear need to improve in English Grammar. Addressing these specific areas through targeted, differentiated instruction and practice could help elevate the overall proficiency of participants across all components. English educators should further improve their proficiency to promote quality of instruction that would be significant in the learning process. This study purports that mitigations on equipping students with strong grammar skills while identifying opportunities to further enhance their pedagogy are vital in a higher institution molding English teachers.

Keywords: English, Grammar, Grammar Proficiency, Pre-service Teacher, Proficiency Level.

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