UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Flipping the Classroom Using Simple Technologies by Lecturers in Nigerian Universities



Bawa, N. and Baba, N.M., 2020. Flipping the Classroom Using Simple Technologies by Lecturers in Nigerian Universities. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(2), pp.47-54.


This is a survey that investigated flipping the classroom using simple technologies by lecturers in Nigerian Universities. Simple technological tools are day-to-day appliances, services and applications such as smartphones and or laptops, email account, WhatsApp and Facebook accounts, and other social media that have incredible learning potentials when used wisely. Whereas the target population of the study was all lecturers in Nigeria universities, this population was delimited by people’s accessibility and willingness to respond to an online instrument (Flipped Instruction in Nigerian Universities, FINU) widely distributed through the known social media platforms of universities across the country. Using this non-random sampling technique, the researchers were able to reach out to 213 lecturers from 9 Universities who responded to the FINU instrument.  The instrument was validated taking into cognizance content and construct components, and a Cronbach Alpha analysis of the data reported a reliability index of 0.91. Data obtained from the wide scale administration of the instrument were analysed using descriptive statistics (percentages) for the research questions and inferential statistics (PPMC) for the null hypothesis tested. The main findings of the study were: Flipped instruction has power to motivate academics to make use of technologies for research and scholarship; it promotes students’ ability to widen creative solutions to everyday problems and engage with the artistic tools at their fingertips; simple technologies help academics to teach with ease and students to learn without stress; and there was a positive relationship between flipped instruction and 21st century learning. Following these findings, the study recommended that academics should endeavor to adopt flipped instruction in order to make learning process more fun and interactive.

Keywords: Flipped instruction; technologies; traditional approach; digital native.

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