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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I70037
Date:May 2024


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Anthony Hagos Dumaplin, 2024. Factors That Influence Technical Vocational Students’ Choice of Specialization in Relation to Their Academic Performance in Deped Division of Sorsogon. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(7), pp414-422
This study determined the factors that influence Technical Vocational Education (TVE) students’ choice of specialization in relation to their academic performance in DepEd Division of Sorsogon.  The respondents in this study were the 405 Grade 10 students from technical vocational schools in Division of Sorsogon Province. Utilizing quantitative-descriptive method, results revealed that along the demographic factors that influence the Technical Vocational Education (TVE) students’ choice were family income, sex, age and religion; while in terms of environmental factors were job opportunity, teachers, peers, family, facility and administration. The findings also revealed that the academic performance of the TVE students when grouped according to their chosen area of specialization was proficient in Food Trades, Cosmetology, Automotive, EIM, Agriculture, Garments and EPAS. Meanwhile, students taking SMAW, FCM and Civil Technology were approaching proficiency. On the other hand, the TVE students’ academic performance when grouped according to their demographic factors in terms of family income, age, sex was proficient; while in terms of religion was approaching proficiency. Likewise, when grouped according to environmental factors in terms of administration, teachers, facilities, job opportunity, family and peers was proficient.  Based on these findings, the researcher concluded that family income and job opportunity are the major influences in choosing area of specialization. TVE students had proficient academic performance. There was a significant relationship between the academic performance of the students and the demographic factors as factors of their choice of specialization; however, there was no significant relationship between the academic performance of the students and the environmental factors as factors that influence their choice of area of specialization.

Keywords: Technical Vocational Education, Specialization, Factors, Academic Performance

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