This study explores at socio-emotional learning (SEL) in connection with the emotional regulation, empathy, and stress management of pre-service teachers in a language classroom. The researchs was undertaken through a quantitative survey of thirty (30) pre-service teachers coming from the Philippines; it focused on the different components of SEL such as self-awareness, empathy, and decision-making. The results revealed very high standards of socio-emotional awareness in the components of empathy and interpersonal relationships; however, greater issues still remain concerning stress management and emotional regulation, particularly in high-pressure situations. The findings suggest that SEL should be considered extremely significant especially in association with fostering interaction and academic success. Furthermore, it draws out targeted interventions in stress management as well as empathy and recommends the further integration of SEL skills in the curricula of future educators.
Keywords: Socio-emotional learning, language acquisition, holistic education, student well-being, emotional regulation, stress management.
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