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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I50014
Date:March 2023


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Walid Laamarti Bousmaha, 2023. Exploring the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Developing Applications for Humans. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(5), pp122-125.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the most innovative and transformative technologies of the 21st century. AI is increasingly being used to develop applications that are aimed at solving problems and making life easier for humans. In this paper, we explore the benefits of AI in developing applications for humans. We discuss the different types of AI, the benefits of AI in developing applications for humans, and the challenges associated with AI development. We also provide an overview of the procedure for paper submission, the mathematical concepts that underpin AI, and the units used in AI development. We conclude with a discussion of the helpful hints for AI developers, the publication principles for AI research, and our conclusions on the benefits of AI in developing applications for humans.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Applications, Benefits, Challenges, Procedure, Mathematics, Units, Helpful Hints, Publication Principles.

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