UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Effectiveness of Utilizing Learning Activity Sheets to Improve the Solving Skills involving Sampling Distribution of Grade 11 Students



Jhena Bayudan Cantonjos and Susan S. Janer, 2022. Effectiveness of Utilizing Learning Activity Sheets to Improve the Solving Skills involving Sampling Distribution of Grade 11 Students. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(8), pp.53-59.


This study determined the Effectiveness of Utilizing Learning Activity Sheets to Improve the Solving Skills involving Sampling Distribution of Grade 11 Students in Bagahanglad National High School, San Jacinto District in the Division of Masbate-Province, the school year 2021-2022. The Descriptive method of research would have been utilized in this study. The respondents were 50 Grade 11 students who were currently taking probability and statistics subjects 25 of them in the Control Group and 25 in the Experimental Group.

The study used a quantitative method to describe the improvement level of the grade 11 learners in Probability and Statistics subject along with the identified topic and a test was used to know the effectiveness of LAS in improving the performance of Grade 11 in Probability and Statistics along with Sampling Distribution. Data were gathered through test administration. Researcher-made learning activity sheets and test questions were utilized as the main instruments of the study. The data were tabulated, checked, analysed and interpreted using mean, and t-test.

The findings of the study revealed that the Performance Level results in the Pre-test of the control and experimental group along the identified topic belong below 75 and are interpreted as low performance while the Performance Level results in the post-test of the control group almost belong below 75 and the experimental group where almost bracket 85-89 and interpreted as very satisfactory. Learning Activity Sheets are proven effective in enhancing the solving skills involving sampling distribution. It also revealed that it helped them to solve sampling distribution easier and faster, and clearly understand the concepts. It also helped them to enhance their knowledge and solving skills involving sampling distribution.

The computed t-test for the Control group was 5.764 which was larger than the critical value of 1.856. The computed t-test for the experimental group was 9.563 which was larger than the critical value of 1.847. This result showed that the post-test result was higher than the pre-test result.

Based on the findings it was concluded that most of the students from the experimental group got a passing result on the identified topic. The majority of the grade 11 students did not meet the expectations of the lesson and it has a low performance. The post-test result is higher than the pre-test result. The results revealed that the LAS was effective instructional material for the grade 11 students.  The Learning Activity Sheets is proven effective in enhancing the solving skills of the students in Probability and Statistics subject.

Based on the conclusions results, the following recommendations are constructed: the LAS in Probability and Statistics be proposed for additional study and improvement to guarantee high mastery of the learning competencies. The LAS may not only have focused on unlocking difficulties but also provide more activities during and after the mathematical problems. Design training and workshop for the teachers in secondary to improve the new instructional materials in probability and Statistics. Training and seminar-workshop should impose on the students in order for them to alleviate their performance in Mathematics as a whole. Research parallel to this may also be conducted on other subjects and on a wider scope.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Learning Activity Sheets, Performance, Learners.

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