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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I120007
Date:October 2022


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Edmer F. Aguilar, 2022. Development of Pedagogical Blended Learning Model of Rural Schools. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(12), pp.49-59.
The rural schools, being in the quandary of development, have faced numerous challenges. This study is focused on the exploration of the constructs on pedagogical blended learning and the creation of good fit model. A sequential mixed exploratory design was used in the study. The qualitative data were obtained from the key-informant interviews and focus group discussions of the public secondary school teachers in rural schools, and later a survey questionnaire was formed. The data was subjected to exploratory factor analysis. The dimensions created were: (1) facilitating inclusive learning, (2) interaction with technology, (3) structuring student learning, (4) instructional strategies, and (5) utilizing online interaction. These dimensions were confirmed by structural equation modeling’s confirmatory factor analysis-latent curve analysis. Fit indices criteria of SEM together with the dimensions having corresponding regression weights revealed that the 5-factor model is the best model for pedagogical blended learning model of rural schools in Davao del Norte.

Keywords: blended learning, confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory factor analysis, structural equation modeling.

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