UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Cultural Mapping of the Tangible Movable and Immovable Cultural Properties of Orion: Basis for the Development of Information, Education and Communication Materials



Jennifer S. Garcia, Job D. Paguio, Edessa Flordeliza, and Isagani De Leon, 2023. Cultural Mapping of the Tangible Movable and Immovable Cultural Properties of Orion: Basis for the Development of Information, Education and Communication Materials. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(2), pp22-29.


Orion tangible immovable and movable cultural properties aged 50 years and above were identified and visited in October and November 2021. They come in the form of churches, heritage houses, schools, and cemetery validated by the presence of movable cultural properties and archived documents. It is an independent study in the light of purely academic, scientific, and free local and national historiography. Methodology used was in the form interviews of the informants and primary sources using the NCCA forms, the UN SDG questionnaires, internal and external criticisms including related studies, and digital documentations and analysis. Findings show that, aesthetically, stones and steels are indeed strong materials useful both for immovable and movable cultural properties. Their preservation can help not only the environment but also the tourism industry of the municipality… Churches, schools, heritage houses, cemeteries, and good governance are socially significant as they reflect a culture and direction of the people.   Results tell us that the religious freedom, the press freedom, the right to free scientific education for the masses, and social justice define the true essence of democracy. The findings validate the results of cultural mapping and the continuity of the immovable and movable cultural properties. Almost every barangay in the municipality also has the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The study concludes, therefore, that in order to promote a sustainable and holistic community, strong legislation and educational implementation on the preservation of the 70% of the existing and the 50-year old immovable cultural and government properties are needed.

Keywords: Primary and secondary sources, cultural mapping, sustainable development goals, generational connection.

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