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Paper ID: UIJRTV4I90016
Date:July 2023


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Vincent M. Rafols and Romulo G. Doronio, 2023. Comprehension-Oriented Learning Strategies: Key in Upskilling Students’ Problem-Solving Abilities in Mathematics. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 4(9), pp162-172.
The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to learn the effectiveness of comprehension-oriented learning strategies namely visualization, k-w-c, and three-reads protocol in upskilling the problem-solving solving abilities of students in mathematics. Universal sampling was used as a sampling technique in selecting the research subjects who were grouped using Split-Half method. Moreover, both descriptive (mean) and inferential (t-test) statistics were utilized to address the questions regarding level of competency and significant difference in the pre/post-tests scores of both groups. Quantitative results showed a significant difference in the performance of the students exposed to the comprehension-oriented learning strategies against interactive direct instruction, in favor of the experimental group. With this, an immediate dissemination towards various educational leaders and institutions are recommended to commit in training teachers and students into the utilization of comprehension-oriented learning strategies inside mathematics classrooms to further develop students’ problem-solving abilities by improving their comprehension skills.

Keywords: MAEd-Mathematics, comprehension-oriented learning strategies, problem-solving ability in mathematics, quasi-experimental quantitative research, Philippines.

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