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Paper ID: UIJRTV2I70007
Date:May 2021


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Herrera, R.B. and Janer, S.S., 2021. Competence in The Learning Deliveries and Multimodal Approaches of Teachers in The New Normal. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(7), pp.39-49.
The study aimed to determine the competence in the learning deliveries and multimodal approaches of teachers in the new normal in Magallanes South District during the school year 2020-2021. It used the descriptive-survey method since a questionnaire was devised in gathering the primary data as reflected in the problem. The respondents were 115 teachers and 12 school heads in Magallanes South District.  The statistical tools utilized were the frequency, rank, weighted mean and t-test for independent samples. The data revealed that the teachers perceived that their level of competency in delivering multi-modal learning approaches is very satisfactory along teacher-learner interaction, subject matter mastery, active and personalized learning, and inclusion while excellent in instruction and learning assessment. However, the school heads perceived that they are excellently competent in all aspects except active and personalized learning. The assessments of teachers and school heads on the level of competency in delivering multi-modal learning approaches along teacher-learner interaction, subject matter mastery, instruction, active and personalized learning, learning assessment, and inclusion are similar. The difficulties met by the school heads are internet connectivity and lack of training on the implementation of various learning modalities. However, it was recommended that the teachers may be given continuous training on delivering multi-modal learning approaches along teacher-learner interaction, subject matter mastery, instruction, active and personalized learning, learning assessment, and inclusion so as their competence may be sustained. Also, the teachers and school heads may have a regular communication through meeting and dialogue in order to maintain the similarity of their assessment. The difficulties encountered by the school heads may be elevated to the concerned officials and be given solutions if funds are available.

Keywords: Competence, Learning Delivery, Multimodal Approach, New Normal, Learning assessment.

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