UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

Cognitive Style-Based Mathematics Learning Strategies: A Literature Review



Dewi Rahmawati Noer Jannah, Gunarhadi, and Riyadi, 2024. Cognitive Style-Based Mathematics Learning Strategies: A Literature Review. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(10), pp122-126.


Cognitive style influences how individuals process information and is crucial in student learning, especially in mathematics education. Research indicates that Field Independent (FI) students generally have a superior conceptual grasp of mathematics compared to Field Dependent (FD) students. Consequently, customized learning strategies that align with cognitive styles are vital for enhancing student learning outcomes. This study reviews the efficacy of cognitive-based learning strategies in primary school mathematics and their implementation to boost student performance. It is a systematic literature review using scientific articles from sources like Scopus and Google Scholar. Data was gathered with keywords such as “Cognitive Styles,” “Field Dependent,” “Field Independent,” and “Mathematics Education,” focusing on articles published between 2018 and 2023, which were then descriptively analyzed to identify key findings on the effectiveness of cognitive-based strategies. Results indicate that inquiry-guided instruction and STAD with Peer Tutoring are more effective for FI students than FD students, who excel in conceptual understanding, problem-solving, and mathematical communication. Furthermore, applying learning strategies tailored to cognitive styles significantly enhances student participation and learning outcomes. Cognitive-based learning strategies show substantial potential for improving mathematics education in primary schools. The study underscores the importance of teacher training in recognizing and accommodating students’ cognitive styles to optimize academic potential. Further research is required to explore the application of these strategies in various educational contexts.

Keywords: Cognitive Style, Mathematics Education, Field Dependent, Field Independent, Learning Strategy

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