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Paper ID: UIJRTV6I30013
Date:January 2025


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Ma. Angelie David Tumambo, Switcel Cajelo Democrito, and Marlyn Ancuna Hermogenes, 2025. Challenges in Using Different Types of Reading Comprehension Activities in English Classes. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 6(3), p100-105.
This study aimed to explore the reading activities employed by English teachers in a public high school to enhance students' reading comprehension. A descriptive research design was employed, involving a survey of 35 English teachers selected through purposive sampling. This sought to identify the frequency and types of reading activities used by teachers, assess their perceived effectiveness, and understand the challenges encountered in implementing these activities. Results indicated that independent reading and guided reading were the most frequently employed strategies, both considered highly effective in improving student comprehension. Other reading activities such as reading aloud, group or paired reading, and shared reading were also commonly used, with varying levels of perceived effectiveness. The study identified several challenges faced by teachers, including diverse reading abilities among students, lack of resources, time constraints, and limited student engagement. These challenges were found to hinder the consistent and effective implementation of reading strategies. Despite these obstacles, teachers highlighted the importance of professional development and resource allocation to improve reading instruction. While independent and guided reading were the most effective strategies, addressing the challenges of resource limitations, time constraints, and diverse student needs is crucial for improving reading comprehension outcomes. Recommendations for enhancing reading instruction include providing teachers with targeted professional development, improving access to relevant and engaging reading materials, and allocating resources to support differentiated instruction. There is a need for systemic changes in teacher training and resource management to better support English teachers in their efforts to improve students' reading skills.

Keywords: reading instruction, reading comprehension, critical thinking, educational challenges, reading strategies, professional development.

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