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Paper ID: UIJRTV3I110015
Date:September 2022


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Engr. Rufo D. Durian and Emma S. Perena, 2022. Challenges of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 3(11), pp.104-109.
This study determined the responsiveness of the higher educational institutions (HEI’s) in the province of Sorsogon to the needs of the students with disabilities.  It is a descriptive survey that aimed to determine the profile of the students with disability and the responsiveness of the colleges in terms of facilities, policies and student support services. The challenges met of the students with disabilities were also included.  The respondents of the study were the 20 students with disabilities who were enrolled for AY 2017-2018 and the administrators of the 15 colleges in the province. A survey questionnaire checklist and an interview guide were utilized to gather the informations and served as the primary sources of data. The profile showed that majority of the students with disabilities their age range from 17-23 years old, most of them are male and their common physical disabilities were orthopedic condition due to birth defects and accidents, speech, visual and hearing and health impairments. The study found out the lack of facilities, policies and student support services that will cater the needs of the students with disabilities in the HEIs. Challenges met by the students were due to limitations of these provisions.  Thus, it was recommended that provisions on basic facilities for mobility and accessibility be provided. Likewise, clear admission policies and guidelines may be established to give equal opportunities and provisions on support services and facilitate the documentation of the disability of the students.

Keywords: students with disabilities, facilities, policies, higher educational institutions, student support services.

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