UIJRT » United International Journal for Research & Technology

The Use of Collections and Services of Academic Libraries in Ghana: A Case Study of Ghana Communication Technology University, Accra, Ghana



Frempong-Kore, A and Bitherman, B.K.A., 2021. The Use of Collections and Services of Academic Libraries in Ghana: A Case Study of Ghana Communication Technology University, Accra, Ghana. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT), 2(6), pp.01-09.


An academic library is established in an institution of higher learning to provide services that will meet the information needs of students, lecturers, researchers and the entire academic community. The use of the library and its resources by the students of the institution is therefore a must for both faculty and students if academic work would go on successfully. This study examines the extent of use of library resources in Ghana Communication Technology University, Accra, Ghana. Two separate questionnaires were used to gather data. 400 registered library users were selected using the stratified random sampling technique. The findings revealed that 46.87% of the students sampled visited the library to read for examination while most faculty members visited the library to consult journals, electronic or print resources and to read newspapers. Also, students used the online catalogue to locate materials more than faculty. It was recommended that faculty give reading assignments that will require students to consult journals and other resources in the library, not just for examination purposes. The library should also embark on aggressive awareness creation on regular basis to showcase the various resources available in the library.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Ghana, Ghana Communication Technology University.

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