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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I50015
Date:March 2024


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Cynna M. Esguerra, 2024. Attitudinal Factors Contributing to Learning Loss: Basis for a School Intervention Program. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(5), pp145-157.
The present study investigates the impact of attitudes on the decline in student learning, with a particular focus on the significance of elements such as motivation and self-efficacy. The proposal proposes the implementation of a School Intervention Program as a means to tackle these concerns, with the objective of fostering a conducive learning atmosphere by means of peer influence and coaching. The findings of the study conducted on senior high school students indicate that academic performance is highly influenced by attitudes towards school, self-perception, and preparedness for learning. The recommendation suggests advocating for a variety of teaching approaches and supporting initiatives such as "I Love My School" to mitigate unfavorable attitudes. Subsequent investigations should prioritize the evaluation of intervention efficacy and the examination of demographic disparities in attitudes towards learning.

Keywords: Attitudinal factors, Learning loss, School Intervention Program, Academic outcomes, Motivation, Self-efficacy, Self-regard, Educational achievement, Intervention, Peer influence, Supportive environment, Positive attitudes, and Mentorship.

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