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Paper ID: UIJRTV5I120010
Date:October 2024


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Kevin Arman N. Ramos, 2024. Assessing the TPACK Implementation of Selected Private Senior High School in San Mateo, Rizal Towards Developing a Teaching Model. United International Journal for Research & Technology (UIJRT). 5(12), pp103-1116.
This study assessed the TPACK implementation of selected private senior high schools in San Mateo, Rizal towards developing a teaching model. In this study, mixed methods were used. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were used through a survey questionnaire and interview questions as research tools to summarize the level of implementation, factors, perspectives, and challenges faced by the respondents in the implementation of the TPACK framework in the classroom. Based on the summarized research results, despite the lack of resources and materials in the classroom, the student respondents perceived the TPACK implementation of teachers to be useful and engaging. Rather, teachers and administrators should focus on improving their technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge to assist the technological demands/skills in the learning process. This can be possible through the proposed KANR (Know-Apply-Need-Response) Model designed by the researcher inspired by the TPACK Framework.

Keywords: TPACK Framework, TPACK implementation, KANR Model.

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